Friday, November 18, 2011

Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI)

Latent Semantic Indexing shortly known as LSI. Its original goal is to discover similar words or phrases interrelated in the context of any document or text or file. Search engines use this technology to evaluate whether any content is on-topic or just spam. Search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc) decide to keep on eye at the words of articles and how relevant they are to each other. As an example, suppose a user search for a topic ‘Health Tips’ then search engines work is to read out this topic and evaluate which websites is relevant to the topic and present them into search results. It is important known various LSI terms. Effective SEO give good feedback to LSI technology. For future article writing you have to remember one thing that writes something that match with the topic title. Because search engine when read out your article he first focus on your article title then it identified whether your title is matched with your words/phrases or not.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Effective Link Building

8. If I comment any sites with any name/anchor text and through that name/anchor text if anyone fined my website, this technology is known as Link Building. Link Building can be effective if anyone create lot of backlinks in several high PR do-follow sites/social bookmarking site/forum posting. Through backlink anyone can find my website and I could gather a lot of visitors. This technology also helps in effective SEO. The benefits that I get-

  • Get a lot of visitors
  • Get high PR(Page Rank)
  • Anyone can find me at the top of the search engine.
  • I can earn money by Ad-sense/various affiliated program
Though Link Building system gives us lot of benefits but sometime it can create problems too if we don't finish it properly. Sometimes it shows that our backlinks are shown as spamming content or black SEO. So we have to be careful when we doing SEO work.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Search Engine

7. Search Engine is a devise that help to search information in web or FTP server. A list of search have come infront of you after enter query then your work is to find out your suitable information. However there are a lot of people who submit their article or research or their own experience in Search Engine by various websites/blogs/posts. This information may be various type like image, database, PDF file, video etc. Now-a-days it is consider as a vast area of shearing knowledge because here someone share information and others get it. In world there are lot of search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

6. S E O broadly known as Search Engine Optimization. It's some kind of On-line marketing  to develop websites/web-pages/blogs in search engine by giving backlinks, do-follow links, social book marking, article submission and so on. If anyone done Search Engine Optimization effectively his/her website/web page will show in the First page of search engine. There are some well known search engines named GOOGLE, YAHOO, BING etc. SEO is done by two ways
Ø  On-page Optimization
Ø  Off-page Optimization

     Both of this two have to be done perfectly because they help to enter a lot of visitors in your website. Without visitors your website is something like life without blood. That means here life is visitors because you create your website to gather visitors and seo is blood and you website is like your body.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Use of Computer

5. Computer is machine which used for not only calculating but also make various programs, animation, video, audio and so on. This machine have carry a great revolution to the whole world. This machine now use in every sector of our life. In office or in home it play a great role.

5.1 Entertainment: It is a great source of entertainment. No other machine can give such enjoyment like computer. We listen music, watch movie, play video games, chat on-line in computer.

5.2 In office: Now-a-days every small or big organization having computer to faster their work. Employee put all the record of transaction or daily work in computer. They communicate with E-mail or chat through computer. This system reduce cost of communication.

5.3 Educational Institution: Educational institutions also teach their students through computer. For this reason educational system have improve day-by-day. Learning become more enjoyable for students.

5.4 E-Commerce: This is a sector of business and this business is doing in on-line. Computer vastly use for this type of business.

5.5 Composing: Now musicians are compose music in computer. Also movie makers, cartoon and animation creators also use computer to complete their task appropriately.

5.6 Communication: Computer is an excellent medium of communication. Through e-mail one can chat with others and they can also do video chat. Its reduce cost of communication.

5.7 Security: CC Camera is use for security in various area to be aware and protect people. This CC Camera is also controlled by computer.

5.8 Banking: Every bank in the world now use computer to do various transaction, data collect, accounting quarry etc. For this reason banks are increasing rapidly and computer make their work more faster.

5.9 Operation: Doctor's also use computer in operation. They also do X-ray, ultrasonography, MRI, City-scan etc by using internet.

Importance of Internet

4. When all the computers, mobiles, notepads, laptops or any other equipment like this is connected though a server and not only communicate but also share ideas and knowledge among them, this vast area is known as Internet. Use internet is increasing day by day because of its excellent features and rate of internet users is increasing rapidly.

4.1 Excellent medium of communication: Now-a-days, communication through out the world have done by internet. Wherever you go wherever you live no matter you can make communication through internet.

4.2 Easy to find out anything: If anyone searching for any information but couldn't find out, no worries internet is here. Simply go any search engine and type your quarry then you will find your answer.

4.3 Gather good knowledge: Now writers and researchers have write on web their knowledge and experiences. So that students and people who studying in different subjects can search about their subject and find out an correct information regarding their topic. For this reason their knowledge have increasing.

4.4 Know worldwide news instantly: Through internet people can know the story, videos, others comments etc of the news. People also know all information of day-to-day affairs.

4.5 Share ideas: Writers, researchers and people through out the world have share their ideas and knowledge in internet. So that others will know and implement on their life.

4.6 On-line shopping: People also do shopping through internet now. They visit the website of different product and order product and the product has sent to customers through courier.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Job Interview Tips

3. Interview is the conversation between interviewer and interviewee by answering couple of questions, where interviewee answer to interviewer to give various information. Here the number of people would be 2 to many. Interview may be various kind like job interview, personal interview, group interview etc. In job interview effective employee have been searching from couple of candidates.

3.1 Take a good preparation: First of all candidates have to learn about the company, know about the job criteria. Practice well before go to interview. Think about what kind of question they can ask you. Practice answering interview questions in front of a mirror.

3.2 Identify your weaknesses: While answering the interview questions in front a mirror you can identify your weaknesses. Make a short list of your weaknesses and try to overcome it.

3.3 Gather information how interview takes part: Talk to others about the interview that it takes part and what type of questions ask by the interviewers. And how to answer them properly. Remember one thing if you share information your knowledge will be increase.

3.4 Put your dress appropriately: Before go to interview dress up appropriately that attacks to interviewers.

3.5 Be on time: Try to be in interview on time, it means just be there 5-10 minute before because it is an strategy to attract interviewers.

3.6 Don't be so excited: At the interview time don't be so excited, just be calm and try to answered the question what they ask. Always pay attention to the questions what they ask and carefully answered them.

3.7 Be polite: Politeness is a good way to impressed interviewers. So try to be polite while interview is going on. Never lose your temper.

3.8 Show what you know: Try to show your creativity and exactly what you know. Don't be over smart, just answering the questions effectively.

Exercise Tips

2. Exercise is a physical activity that maintain overall fitness and benefits of body to keep good health. It is for various reason like keep strength, muscles, weight loss etc. Exercise have to maintain in regular basis. If anyone keep regular basis exercise, he/ she will free from various diseases. But point out one thing don't make addiction of exercise because it will be a great loss of health rather benefit.

2.1 Make a exercise routine: Do exercise as regular basis. For maintain regularity make a good exercise routine. Follow the routine regularly and do every steps during routine. By following the routine it will become your habit and after certain period of time you will see the change of your body.

2.2 Don't break the habit: Do exercise regularly and seriously. Because it is related to your body. By continuing exercise routine it will become your habit and you will see the change in your body but once you broke this habit you will again lose your good health.

2.3 Drink water during the exercise time: Drink water continuous basis after couple of time while exercising. Because it will give extra energy to your body and make you refresh. Don't forget the proverb "Water is life".

2.4 Free hand first & equipment later: When you start exercising do free hand type exercise first like walking, cycling, push up etc. Because free hand make exercise as habit. After 2-3 months later exercising with various equipment.

2.5 Start slowly: When you start exercising, don't give your full effort first. On the beginning day, do some free hand for 15-30 minute. Then consistently increase your time and give effort to it.

2.6 Take it as fun: If you don't enjoy while exercising, it will be too difficult to keep it continue. So don't think that it is a hard work just keep it simply then it will easy for you to move your body easily.

2.7 Exercise for yourself not to show off: Do exercise for keeping good health yourself and not to show off others or for taking part in any competition. Once you keep good muscle other things will done automatically.

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to study effectively???

1.  Study is a process of concentration and set up your mind upon a subject that you are interested about and keen to learn. You have to spend time when start studying because to learn about any topic is not an easy task. You must first set up your mind with your full concentration.

1.1   Focus on that Subject: When we watch TV our focus was going into TV     shows. We watch every scenery to understand the climax that what going to happen in next. In effective education this is also mandatory matter to focus carefully on that particular subject like the TV shows. It's help you to study effectively.

1.2  Understand the subject matter: Suppose I am studying HRM. But I don't know what is it? Then what do you think can I study properly? I don't think so. Because when I understand the subject first my half study will be done. Like I am going to study HRM. It's elaboration is Human Resource Management. That means my study is based on to Human Resources. How I arrange them and my strategy to manage them effectively.

1.3 Put a pencil while studying: While studying you can underline keywords and sentences with pencil. It highlight key things and points. This process save your valuable time and make your concentration stronger than others.

1.4 Point out the time when you are sharpest: As a human you have your own characteristics and you have to do a lot of work daily. Besides other works try to point out the time when you want to study and your brain remain sharp. Because that time your concentration will be good then other time.

1.5 Avoid noisy places: Avoid those places which are noisy enough. Because noises steal your concentration. Select a place like library, study room or your own room at home which remain clumsy.

1.6 Take small Meal: Too much eating change your mood to take rest. So before sitting on your chair just take a cup of tea or milk or juice just make your mind fresh and clear.

1.7 Drink often and take rest: Don't study for long time it make you bother so while studying take a little rest. Drink water frequently and specially when you feel slow.

1.8 Make your desk clear from other things: While studying, try to make your desk clear from other things. Have you need everything on the desk and put away others things what you don't need. Because this other things lose your concentration and put your concentration on that particular things.